Introducing…Elder Mediation!
Although it may sound surprising, wills – even those where the testator believed that he or she had meticulously planned ahead – can turn out to be the subject of some of the most highly contested legal disputes. Talking through the multiple issues that confront families as mom and dad grow older can be a challenging, unwanted, and ultimately overlooked task. Unfortunately, many families find themselves already in “crisis mode” when they first start to discuss these issues – and it’s only then that they realize they do not all agree.
Enter Elder Mediation! This problem-solving process promotes collaborative family decision-making in a respectful and cooperative environment. Elder Mediation allows family members to gather facts, determine the issues, develop options, and reach their own conclusions – all in a confidential and neutral setting.
Elder Mediation can address a wide variety of concerns, including:
- Inheritance, estate and trust matters
- Living and personal care arrangements
- Health care and financial decisions
- Avoiding court-appointed guardianships
- Powers of attorney disputes
- Personal property distribution
- End of life decision making
Visit the Mediation/Dispute Resolution page on our website to learn more.

Kristy A. Christensen

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