Title IX & Civil Rights in Education

Title IX and Sexual Misconduct Investigations, Advising, and Hearing Services

At McCarty Law, we help your institution get it right when it comes to Title IX compliance.


Our investigations allow educational institutions to rely upon an unbiased third party to gather and synthesize evidence related to allegations of sexual misconduct and bias-related incidents. We are sensitive to the pressures and anxiety faced by everyone involved in these matters, and we approach our investigations in a prompt, professional, and thoughtful manner. Our investigator provides a detailed report, which creates a solid foundation for a hearing or other resolution.


We provide trained team members to act as advisors to parties involved in sexual misconduct and bias investigations, allowing school districts and educational institutions to provide qualified advisors in compliance with federal regulations. Our advisors help parties through the process and can effectively conduct cross-examination during campus hearings while honoring educational institutions’ expectations for civility and respect.


Our team members have been trained by the Association of Title IX Administrators in chairing campus hearings and reaching well-grounded decisions based on your institutions’ policies. We are happy to work with your institution in filling whatever roles are needed, in compliance with your policies and procedures. Whether you need an entire decision-making panel, or just a hearing chair to help your own panel conduct the hearing, we are here to help.


For those school districts and educational institutions that conduct their own hearings, we can provide appeals decision-makers in the event of an appeal by one of the parties. Our team can review the evidence and reach a well-reasoned decision on the appeal.

Title IX Team

In this constantly-changing regulatory environment, we help you not only comply with the law, but provide a fair and equitable process for your students and community when grappling with difficult issues related to sexual misconduct, bias, and discrimination.

To learn more about our Title IX & Civil Rights in Education services in Wisconsin and throughout the country, please contact one of our Title IX team members:

Lora L. Zimmer
Michael W. Curry
Rebecca L. Kent
Sarah J. Knutson

Title IX Corner

McCarty Establishes Team for Title IX Compliance
Choosing an Investigator
Defining Consent In Your Sexual Misconduct Policy
Federal Government Proposes Changes to Title IX Rules
Title IX’s Protections Against Pregnancy Discrimination Clarified