Title IX Corner: Meet Our Team!

Now that the new federal regulations are in effect, K-12 school districts, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions covered by Title IX need to have trained investigators, hearing chairs, hearing decision-makers, appeals decision-makers, and advisors at the ready.

Seeing this need, McCarty Law LLP has increased its Title IX offerings. In addition to a trained investigator, McCarty has a team of attorneys trained and ready to fill these roles. Our team takes the pressure off colleges and school districts – rather than keep a trained team on staff, these important roles can be outsourced to a group that can jump in and fill them, competently and professionally.

Meet our team:


Our team members bring years of Title IX experience and/or experience in the areas of litigation, campus hearings, or legal analysis. We are ready to conduct hearings and analyze evidence at the level of professionalism and detail needed to appropriately handle these sensitive and important matters.

McCarty is happy to work with school districts and higher education clients in crafting the best packages for their individual needs, including at flat fee rates as needed.

Learn more about McCarty’s Title IX offerings by contacting Lora L. Zimmer at [email protected] or 920-257-2214.

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Lora L. Zimmer

Health Law and Title IX Attorney at McCarty Law LLP
Lora focuses her practice in corporate and business transactions, with a particular focus on the business and regulatory needs of health care clients. In addition, Lora is a trained Title IX investigator, providing prompt, thorough investigations and objective reporting in response to alleged violations of schools’ sexual misconduct policies.
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